sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

SIMPLE PRESENT - uso auxiliares DO - DOES y Verb to be


En 3º persona del singular añadimos -s/-es/-ies

They work hard /
She works hard/ 
She watches TV/ 
She studies music/ 
She plays volleyball

Sujeto+don’t/doesn’t + infinitivo+complemento
(No se añade –s en 3ºPS)
They don’t work hard/ 
She doesn’t work hard/ 
She doesn’t watch TV/
She doesn’t study music/ 
She doesn’t play volleyball

Do/Does + sujeto + infinitivo?
(No se añade –s en 3ºPS)
Do they work hard? 
Does she work hard?/ 
Does she watch TV?/
Does she study music? / 
Does she play volleyball?


Acciones que se repite con cierta frecuencia, como rutinas, hábitos, acciones que realizamos a diario.  
Steve goes to school everyday
He visits his uncle twice a week

. Situaciones permanentes
John works in Iberia

. Verdades absolutas
Water boils at 100º degrees

. Para horarios de transportes
The train leaves at 7 o’clock


Always, often, usually, occasionally, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, scarcely, never, every week, once / twice a year, on Wednesday...


Los verbos estativos se refieren al estado de las cosas más que una acción y normalmente no se utilizan en forma continua o progresiva (-ing). Estos verbos expresan:
1. Sentidos: feel, hear, smell, sound, see, taste, notice, recognise.
2. Actividades mentales: appear, believe, consider, depend, doubt, expect, forget, forgive, guess, hope, imagine, know, mean, mind, prefer, realise, remember, seem, suppose, think, understand.
3. Posesión: belong to, have, own, owe, possess.
4. Emotion: adore, desire, dislike, fear, hate, like, love, need, want, wish.
5. Measurements: cost, equal, messuare, weigh


  1. - She  (think) Manuel  (be) crazy.
  2. - They  (not know) what to say.
  3.  she  (she / feel) ok?
  4. - He  (not be) a relative of mine.
  5. - I  (not know) who she  (be).
  6. - She  (wash) her car every week.
  7. - Paul  (sleep) seven hours a day.
  8. - Mary and John  (be) my cousins.
  9. - She always  (win).
  10. - James  (cry) very easily.
  11. - She  (pray) in church every Sunday.
  12. - Sarah  (not like) pop music.
  13.  John  (John / play) football everyday?
  14.  she (be) a friend of yours?
  15.  they (be) in love?
  16.  Mary  (Mary / believe) in God?
  17. - Who  (be) your favourite football player? 

1. - thinks / is
2.- don't know
3.- Does/ feel
4.- is not
5.- do not know/ is
6.- washes
7.- sleeps
8.- are
9.- wins
10.- cries
11.- prays
12.- does not like
13.- does/ play
14.- is
15.- are
16.- does/ believe
17.- is

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